Helping those in need | News | Pipers Corner School

Helping those in need

Helping those in need
Events and Trips Pre-Prep and Prep

The Pipers Corner School Harvest Festival took place on Wednesday 12 October. It began with an assembly led by School Chaplain, Revd Mary Gurr, during which the girls gave thanks for everything they have and reflected on how they can help those less fortunate than themselves.  

Each House brought forward a decorated hamper as a symbol of all the items that have been generously donated by girls and parents.  All girls from Pre-Prep to Upper Sixth have been involved and have collected a variety of produce and household items to donate to their chosen charity.

  • Hampden House chose to support the “Wycombe Night Shelter”.
  • Girls in Penn House donated gifts for the Oxford homeless.
  • Milton girls donated to the food bank “One Can Trust” in High Wycombe. A food bank dedicated to giving food to people deemed “in crises”.
  • Mandeville House followed their long-established practice of taking harvest baskets full of tins and packets of food to people in need in the local community and to Nancy Hall Court.

The Pre-Prep and Prep Departments also had a special assembly where the girls in Pre-Prep sang a fantastic rendition of the Harvest song “Cauliflowers Fluffy”. Pre-Prep also baked bread together and created a wonderful harvest loaf, complete with little mice.

Headmistress, Mrs Helen Ness-Gifford said, “The Harvest Festival is always lovely occasion of celebration at Pipers.  It provides an opportunity for the girls to look at ways in which they can support those who are in need. The generous gifts really do make a difference to the people who are supported by the House charities.

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

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Helping those in need