Earth Week | News | Pipers Corner School

Earth Week

Earth Week
Whole School

Last week our Sixth Form Prefects and HOPE (Helping Others Protect the Environment) group organised the first ever whole-school Earth Week, for everyone in the school community to reflect and think about our planet.  

To introduce the week, Shuar Juan, Amazonian Indian and friend of our Environmentalist-in-Residence, sent a special video message to wish us luck for the week ahead. The theme for the first day of the week was Display Monday. Everyone was encouraged to look at the different displays around the school, including a display about David Attenborough and his efforts to support the natural world. The Inclusion Committee also created a display, with a world map and coloured dots for students to mark the country or countries that represent their family’s heritage.  

After the success of the Family Eco Pledge Scheme last year, on Pledge Tuesday all staff and families were asked to make one eco pledge. It could be anything, big or small, that would help protect the environment and reduce their carbon footprint.  

Pledges made during Earth Week:

  • Reducing food waste at home 
  • Turning off electrical appliances, not leaving them on standby 
  • Planting British wildflowers in the garden to help bees and pollinators 
  • Shopping in a more sustainable manner by avoiding fast fashion 

Next up was No Lights Wednesday. Latest figures indicate that in one year the UK wasted 54% of electricity used, so for the whole day staff and students worked in their rooms using only natural light (where possible and safe to do so).  

Thank You Thursday encapsulated HOPE’s message of respect for everyone as well as the environment. Students and staff were tasked to say thank you to anyone who showed an act of kindness. The Headmistress was also thanked for letting the students organise the week, with a delicious cake decorated perfectly for Earth Week.   


To round off the week, the students organised Important Friday with a special school assembly featuring Shuar Juan. He discussed the impact we have on rainforests, the climate crisis and how we can work together to create a sustainable future. Pipers Radio also broadcast a special Earth Week show, with interviews from members of the Pipers Community including the Sixth Form chair of HOPE, the Headmistress and our Environmentalist-in-Residence, Mr Williams. 

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Earth Week